1) What's your name and age? My name is Cameron McCluskey-Nunez. I am 25 years old.
2) Where are you from originally? Where do you live now? I am from La Hoya California and now live in LA.
3) What do you do for a living? I am a Tv and Film actor. You may remember me as the lovable Tommy Higgins from the hit TV show "6 plus 2". I am currently trying to make my big breakthrough into action films as a leading man.
4) Where were you when you got the evacuation notice? I was on set for my next film called "Deathwatch" starring Matt Damon when I got the evacuation notice.
5) Had you heard of the virus prior to the evacuation notice? I had heard about it a couple days before from some people on set. My Agent also told me. Matt Damon had left set 3 days prior to the evacuation notice and it was up in the air if he was going to be coming back to finish filming.
6) In order to get a more detailed picture of who you are, please answer the following questions:
- What is your favourite word? My favourite word would have to be Kung Fu. I like the way it sounds and it is a very tough martial art to master.
- What is your least favourite word? My least favourite word would probably be Squid because that is what my dad used to call me as a nickname and I never liked it and I can't eat squid to this day.
- What turns you on? A sexy hot independent woman who can fend for herself and drive a fast car (standard) turns me on.
- What turns you off? An old ugly woman would turn me off almost fo sho.
-What sound or noise do you love? I love the noise of awesome music, also the sound of an incoming text message sounds super awesome on my phone. Also a fart sounds funny.
- What sound or noise do you hate? I hate the noise of my dads voice, its super annoying and also when you are eating on a plate with a knife and fork and it makes that high pitched noise, that sucks.
-What is your favourite curse word? My favourite curse word is a word that I made up that I use to describe people who say they are awesome at something but then are not. The word is "PUSSYBITCH"
- What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? I would probably like to be a UFC fighter or a martial arts trainer if I couldn't be an actor any more.
- What profession other than your own would you not like to attempt? I would hate to be the guy who cleans out those portable toilets, I don't like smelling like shit.
-If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say at the pearly gates? I would want god to say "That'll do Cam, That'll do". Like from the movie with the talking pig, except I wouldn't be a pig, I would be myself, Cam.